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Personal Health Guarantee
Quaint Haven Bernese Mountain Dogs

  • We guarantee this puppy to the best of our knowledge to be in good health and free from diseases. The breeder is not responsible for the death or loss of this puppy once it leaves our premises due to sickness, accidents, injuries, or theft. The breeder is not responsible if puppy temperament is not as expected, nor changes in coat color.

  • The owner assumes all financial responsibility for the puppy including vet expenses, transfer of registration, food, surgeries, boarding and grooming.

  • The owner assumes responsibility to continue quality healthcare for the puppy requiring monthly deworming and vaccination series. You are encouraged to keep your puppy current with all necessary vet checks.

  • Within one week of receiving your puppy you may take it to a licensed veterinarian for a complete physical. If for any reason there is a defect with the puppy that will cause certain premature death, the breeder will refund the purchase price upon return of the puppy to the breeder with said documentation at the owner’s expense.

  • Although we are carful to breed animals with great temperament, no guarantees can be given regarding your puppy’s temperament.

  • All puppies must be paid in full before leaving premises. 

Our Personal Health Guarantee



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